Given Life is about sharing Christ's love with the world wide web. No single advancement since the Telephone has brought the people of the World closer together. The Internet is an awesome opportunity for people of all walks of life to come together for prayer, teaching and ministry. Given Life seeks to spread the Gospel of the one Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, but it will also work toward the strengthening of believers.
Our spiritual messages are usually pretty practical in nature and totally Spirit-lead. We're not about putting just any old Christian catch-phrase up there. We want this to be God's website, and we want God to deliver the messages. From time to time we'll also post a guest message from one of our online friends. Be sure to share your thoughts on the various messages. We'd like nothing more to generate a conversation about God and life on the pages of this website.
We use online Christian prayer to try to strengthen the prayer lives of the millions of people on the Internet. These prayers will range from global issues, to prayers for changes in ourselves, to prayers for specific incidents and people. Please pray with us daily on certain matters, and feel free to send us your prayer requests. Contact Us. We love to hear from friends, from strangers, from people who love what we're doing, and from people who hate what we're doing. We are a very young organization and can use all the help, encouragement and prayers that you can spare. Please, contact us, even if just to say, "Hi, Like your site." You can use the Contact Us page or just use the mini-form on the righthand side of every page.