A few weeks ago during a particularly powerful worship experience, God put a picture similar to this one in my mind: I asked God, what does this picture mean, and he told me that t[...]
I recently finished watching the Discovery Channel series called, How The Universe Works on Netflix. It was amazing. I learned so much about the cosmos that gave me an increased ap[...]
I used to see the bumper sticker below and get my religious underwear all in a bunch. I didn’t like seeing the Cross of Christ put alongside other religious symbols, and I th[...]
In Northern Colorado, we’re in the thick of Fall, and while the first day of winter isn’t officially until December 21st, we’ve already had a couple of snowfalls. The seasons are c[...]
Sometimes I have days when it feels like everything I say is wrong. On those days, it seems like every word that I speak starts a fight or makes me look like an idiot, a terrible p[...]